Christmas time is a wholesome, family orientated time, full of fun, collaboration and adoration; or so we are sold. So what happens when you are dreading the Christmas season, the massive expenditure, the faff of putting the Christmas decorations up and down, the arguing and tense-ness that comes with the social dynamics or like me, you will be on your own.
Christmas can be utilised in a number of ways.
Time to reflect
First thing you want to do is use the time to reflect, it’s nearly the end of the year, so look back with positivity and with a sense of pride. Whatever has happened, has happened.
The next thing I want you to do, is appreciate what you do have. Even if you can’t appreciate the weird Uncle or the argumentative Mother in law, you can use this to look at yourself and use these people as pitches against yourself. They make you look good! So lean into that energy to measure yourself. Self-appreciation is the biggest frequency for bringing wealth in by the way!
The last thing I want you to do is rest. While everyone's busy, rest! Even if it means pretending to be asleep in your armchair. Its the time of year where others are pulling away because of their own requirements, so use this time to grab five minutes with yourself.
I do want to take this opportunity and say how wonderful you are. And socially, regardless of your landscape, it has no jurisdiction in telling you how are you. It is not a measurable on how you are as a person.
Take this time to love yourself, be kind to yourself and rest.
I love you x